

Yalick Farms is located on Memorial Highway (Route 415) near the intersection with Route 118 in Dallas Township, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania

Dallas is part of the Greater Wilkes-Barre/Scranton metropolitan area. We are surrounded by the beautiful western Pocono Mountains and are only minutes away from Harvey’s Lake.

We are conveniently located near Route 309, Interstates 80, 81, 84, the Pennsylvania Turnpike Extension, and about 15 minutes from Wilkes-Barre/ Scranton International Airport.

From I-81 North or South

Take Wilkes-Barre Exit 170-B Follow signs to Route 309 North (Dallas/Back Mountain area)

Proceed approximately 5 miles on 309 North

At Dallas Shopping Center (on right), continue straight (bearing left) onto Route 415N

Entrance to Yalick Farms is on the left, approximately 2 miles ahead on Route 415 at flashing yellow light traffic signal, just before the intersection with Route 118.

© 2024 Yalick Farms